Maintaining a Drug Free Family
20 years ago the drug problem was very different than it is today. Here in the United States, each day the number of people that have tried drugs the first time (over seven thousand) and the young people make up most of those new users. Additionally, The American Cancer Society has published that in the U.S. alone there are about 450,000 tobacco smokers. Statistics show that in America only 1 in 5 of the addicted people that need drug rehab ever get it and sadly the majority of drug treatment centers succeed at rehabilitation
While we all hear these alarming statistics over and over again, there comes a time when today's youth comes face to face with a drug dealer and it is a situation they must be able to handle successfully. When this situation inevitably takes place, we are hopeful that we have taught our youngsters about the dangers of alcohol and drugs; that our imparted knowledge is enough to keep them on the right path.
Narconon Fresh Start believes your children's education about drugs and alcohol is a process that begins at home. Children learn from their home environment and good and bad behaviors are conveyed in various aspects of the child's daily life. It is imperative that as a parent you talk about drugs and alcohol with your children, ensure that you keep the lines of communication open with them so they can come to you with questions and educate your son or daughter about the dangers of drugs before they encounter a drug dealer or find themselves in a drug using environment. A child will be guided in a positive direction by learning lessons from their family and at home.
A few crucial points to keeping a drug free:
-Talk to you children about drug use and drinking. Be sure that they understand that drug use and abuse and underage drinking is unacceptable.
Unfortunately, some parents are actually their kid's worst enemy when it comes to this area of drug abuse prevention and education. It is imperative that your kids know that as parents you completely disapprove of drug abuse among adults and children. You need to be very clear on this point because it will make the difference in their perception of what is "okay".
It may surprise you to realize that parents actually promote the used of alcohol and illegal drugs, knowingly, as well as unknowingly. We are not talking about parents who smoke pot with or near their children; even though it happens a lot. We are referring to when Dad fondly reminisces about the good times when he was young alluding to his drug use, etc. As he tells his old stories about all the crazy stuff he did while intoxicated things is almost just as unacceptable as giving a drug to the kids directly. It is only natural for children to copy their Moms and Dads and by telling funny stories about being stoned the parent is unintentionally showing their approval of drug use.
-The media glamorizes drug and alcohol user: take the time to point out when you see that happening on T.V. or in the movies.
It is common for T.V. and movies today to show recreational marijuana use and drinking heavily as a standard part of a youth's life in today's world. No matter what the genre of show (comedy, drama, action, etc.) it is typically the "cool" kids who bring the alcohol and/or drugs to a party. These shows script the adults to seem clueless and outdated and that it is actually the drug using and binge drinking kids who see the world more clearly and know how to have a good time.
While these portrayals of youth drug abuse and heavy drinking are just about everywhere you children look, they do not carry the weight that your words and life lessons do. When you observe these types of situations on T.V. or in the movies with your children don't just laugh along when others do. Mute or pause the show and say, "There, they are trying to make drug abuse and alcohol / drinking look ok?" Odds are that your child will not have recognized that was what was going on. Big tobacco and alcohol companies depend upon the ignorance and the naiveté of today's youth.
Speak openly with your kids about the dangers of drugs, tobacco and alcohol so that you do not leave them vulnerable to this kind of pressure. When these blatant attempts to influence today's youth to use drugs and alcohol are addressed by everyone then they lose their effectiveness. These become teachable moments and raise the child's awareness about the dangers of drugs and alcohol than to influence use.
Brought to you by Narconon Fresh Start :)