Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Focus on Ativan - Narconon Fresh Start

Ativan is a prescription benzodiazepine most often prescribed to treat conditions such as anxiety and anxiety related disorders such as insomnia. As a benzodiazepine, Ativan has a depressant effect in the central nervous system which is what produces what users would claim to be a calming effect if they were experiencing stress or anxiety or the like. Because Ativan is a fast-acting drug, not only are the effects of the drug desirable but rapid so individuals can become dependent to the effects of the drug very quickly. Dependency means that someone who is taking Ativan may not want to stop taking the drug when they’re supposed to because they will find it hard to readjust to normal function in their lives without it. They have become dependent to the calming effects and rely on Ativan to be at ease and to relieve stress, rather than take normal measures in their lives to make this possible. This is a well-known outcome, which is why the FDA recommends that benzodiazepines such as Ativan only be used for a very short time period, and for no longer than a month at the most.

The problem is when someone can’t stop taking Ativan, even when they know they should. This might happen with a legitimate user or even with someone who abuses prescription drugs non-medically. The prescription drug abuse problem, in either regard, has reached epidemic proportions and drug rehab programs across the country are now accustomed to addressing such issues with clients. Whereas illicit drug abuse used to be the main problem people were checking into rehab for over a decade ago, individuals are now finding their way to rehab more often than not for problems regarding prescription drug abuse including problems with misuse and abuse of Ativan.

Because long-term use, even legitimate use, of Ativan can cause so many significant consequences in the person’s life it is important that anyone having trouble stopping use seeks help right away in a drug rehab program. If someone is having trouble getting Ativan this isn’t something they should even try to do on their own, because there are also risks involved with benzodiazepine withdrawal which could include seizures and other symptoms which could be life threatening. In a detox facility or drug rehab program, individuals will very likely be weaned off of Ativan and safely detoxed. At Narconon Fresh Start, we have among the most experienced detox professionals who are prepared to help individuals get off of Ativan and possibly other drugs as needed smoothly and safely. 

After an individual has safely stopped taking Ativan, it is important that they find other ways to cope with stress and anxiety so that they don’t end up right back in the same situation. No one needs to be dependent on any type of drug for their happiness or for stress relief, and at Narconon Fresh Start counselors help clients develop new ways of dealing with stress and everyday life to prevent this from happening in the future.