Saturday, June 28, 2014

Narconon Fresh Start Gives You Back Control of Your Life

Narconon Fresh Start provides individuals struggling with addiction a means to gain back the control lost in their lives because of their substance abuse, and the confidence they need to move forward without ever looking back. While other programs instill in their clients that there is no cure for addiction and they must understand that they have no power over it, Narconon Fresh Start provides treatment clients with the life tools, coping mechanisms and self-esteem to be able to have complete control of their lives, decisions, and future. We don’t abide by the disease model that has been so popular yet ineffective for so many years. We have clients every day who walk in the doors at our Narconon Fresh Start programs around country who have all but given up because of such programs, which have failed them in the past. We don’t want our clients and your loved ones to experience any more devastating setbacks, and luckily we have the treatment methodology to back this up.

While it has been the treatment norm to have more of a maintenance approach to addiction, where individuals will need to be “in recovery” for the rest of their lives, Narconon Fresh Start offers intensive residential treatment which provides full resolution to addiction within just a few months when clients commit and apply themselves to the treatment process. At Narconon Fresh Start, we don’t only sit and watch a person detox and call it a day once they have been physically stabilized and through withdrawal. We go the extra mile to make sure all of the residual drugs are completely eliminated through our proven and effective sauna detoxification step. This lowers the risk of drug flashbacks and relapse significantly, because these residual drugs and toxins will no longer effect the client ever again. This is a unique part of our treatment process which is offered nowhere else, and the individual completes this step feeling more mentally and physically prepared for what needs to be done during the actual rehabilitation step.

The other unique aspect of Narconon Fresh Start treatment curriculum is that individuals are taken through a step by step program which includes life training to build better self esteem and communication and confront skills. A thorough inventory of one’s companions, family, co-workers, etc. is conducted to bring to light any relationships which are oppressive, abusive or negative in any way. If there are people in one’s life who could compromise one’s abstinence, treatment counselors help clients develop ways to either completely cut ties or change the nature of the relationship so that individuals are confident that they will no longer allow such relationships to negatively impact them in the future. Clients are also encouraged to shed their transgressions and bring them out in the open, so they are no longer a mental burden to them. Clients can then make amends for these transgressions, which will ultimately help them move forward in their lives without guilt and shame that goes hand in hand with addiction, which is what provides Fresh Start clients with a true fresh start.

Monday, June 23, 2014

The Facts About Hashish


Hashish is derived from the flower of the female cannabis plant, the same plant from which marijuana is derived. The resin glands of the cannabis plant contain THC, the main active cannabinoid which produces the effects of feeling high when someone uses both marijuana and hashish. Hashish however contains higher concentrations of THC than marijuana, and looks very different because of the way it is manufactured and prepared. Hashish will either be a brown bricklike substance or a darker tarlike resin. People who use Hashish typically smoke it in a pipe, bong, or vaporizer, although it can also be rolled into a joint or mixed in tobacco.

THC in marijuana and Hashish is a very powerful chemical which produces extreme feelings of reward and pleasure, and like any other drug this can become addictive. And because Hashish is even more potent than marijuana in many cases, meaning it contains higher concentrations of THC, it can be even more addictive. Because it is habit-forming, hashish users who regularly use the drug will experience withdrawal symptoms if they suddenly stop taking it. Depression and anxiety are the types of symptoms which prompt someone who has become addicted to Hashish to use the drug even if they want to quit. Using the drug again of course quickly alleviates such symptoms, a tell-tale sign of addiction and dependence. There are further dangers and risks as well, beyond the risk of addiction and dependence to Hashish, and research indicates that using THC over an extended period of time may lead to personality disorders and serious mental health related issues such as schizophrenia.
Another important factor to consider is that drugs such as marijuana and hashish, as seemingly harmless as they may seem, are actually gateway drugs to other more hardcore drugs of abuse. This isn’t just an opinion, and research confirms that marijuana users are 8 times more likely to use cocaine and 15 times more likely to use heroin. When considering that hashish is basically the same drug in many respects and actually more potent than marijuana, it is understandable why so many hashish users transition to other more hardcore drugs of abuse.

For someone who has already started using Hashish and wants help trying to quit, there are many programs available like Narconon Fresh Start to help them put an end to the problem before it gets any worse. Because any type of substance abuse issue, including Hashish, can significantly impact one’s quality of life it is important to address the problem before there are any serious long-term consequences. Because this can progress to an even worse and bigger problem in very short order, early intervention is key and rehab is the best option in terms of helping the person be able to remain off of the drug and other drugs for good. In many cases, there are underlying problems and issues in the person’s life which prompted them to use Hashish and possibly other drugs, and this can all be effectively sorted out in a quality drug rehab program.