Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Narconon Fresh Start's Unique Approach to Drug Rehab

Narconon Fresh Start is a program unlike any other available, and its unique approach has been providing among the highest success rates in the field of drug rehabilitation for decades now. Unlike most of the traditional programs available which treat addiction as a disease, Narconon Fresh Start offers a much more proactive approach and a definitive end to the rehabilitation process because our clients are in essence “cured” when they graduate our program. So while other programs encourage a continual rehabilitation process with the individual being in “recovery” for the rest of their lives, our clients are free of this burden and when they leave rehab are confident about their abstinence.

How do we do this? The first step of that any clients takes in a Narconon Fresh Start rehab facility is a step which allows them to completely eliminate their bodies of residual drugs and toxins which may adversely affect them while in rehab and in the future. The initial stages of this step will of course include a standard detox while the individual experiences withdrawal symptoms, which our detox specialists will expertly and safely navigate them through. But at Narconon Fresh Start, a physical fresh start is made possible through additional measures to ensure drugs and toxins which tend to be stored in fatty and muscle tissues are also eliminated so they don’t reemerge later, possibly even after the individual leaves rehab. This could cause a drug flashback or perhaps even a relapse in the worst cases.

Our sauna detoxification step includes a regiment of sweating, exercise and supplements to purge these residual drugs and toxins so that our clients can start their new drug free life with a completely clean slate. The beauty of the initial detoxification step at Narconon Fresh Start is that it also makes it possible for our clients to have much more clarity during the next phase of treatment, without being mentally or physically clouded because of drugs which might still remain in their system otherwise. This is crucially important during treatment, because individuals will have to make many tough decisions and lifestyle changes and it is going to be much easier to make these decisions when one can see clearly what they are.

After detox, Narconon Fresh Start clients will spend many weeks and possibly months in one of our facilities addressing the underlying causes of their addiction and becoming equipped with life tools which will help them live a drug free life. Our clients are taken through a step by step process which will elevate their ability to communicate and confront people and things in life which may have caused them stress in the past. An important aspect of the program for our clients is a thorough inventory of all of the people in their lives, and they are encouraged to weed out the people who contribute to, encourage, or prompt their substance abuse. It is also very important that they approach their new found sobriety from a point of full accountability, and are encouraged to take full responsibility for their actions and choices while using drugs and to make amends where possible.